We live in a world that is filled with chemicals. They are in our water, in the air, and in nearly everything we touch. Too many of us bathe and shampoo with products laced with chemicals, use chemical-laden products to shave, to smell good, to soften our skin, to treat our blemishes, and more. Our skin soaks up these chemicals every day.
We pick up parasites from our food and our surroundings that take up residence in our bodies. Our bodies store mercury, lead, and other heavy metals. All of these foreign materials, tax our body’s resources and interfere with optimum health.
The purpose of detoxification and cleansing is to clear the body of these foreign substances along with accumulated waste in order to optimize healthy bodily functions and healing.

Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. It is a primary function of the body, constantly working and interacting with all other functions of the body. So when we are talking about detoxification, it is about improving and optimizing the function of your body’s own detoxification systems.
This is done by decreasing the number of toxins we put into our bodies while at the same time supporting our body’s detoxification and elimination systems with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Toxic substances may include certain food ingredients (refined sugar, refined wheat, alcohol, caffeine), chemicals (pesticides, fungicides, food colorings, MSG), Heavy Metals (Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, etc…)
What is Cleansing
The purpose of a cleanse is to clean out the digestive tract. This includes eliminating toxins, fecal matter, parasites and fungi from the digestive tract. When cleansing eliminates the following foods and drinks: Dairy, eggs, gluten, soy, corn, refined sugar, caffeine, processed foods, and alcohol.
Types of Detoxification & Cleansing
Colon Cleanse
Our colons have the important job of taking digested food from
our stomach, pulling the nutrients out and excreting waste. While for most of us, our colons perform their duties just fine, every once in a while you might feel like giving a helping hand. Colon cleanses come in many different types, methods, and prices, but the main idea is to use water, fiber, and/or supplements to flush all the gunk out of your intestines so you can start fresh.
Liver Cleanse
Just like our colons, our livers play an important role in ridding our bodies of unwanted toxins. The three-pound organ sits just under your ribs and is responsible for cleaning your blood. Some people believe that eating certain foods or taking certain supplements can help your liver perform better or help it when it’s overwhelmed by too many trips.
However, experts caution that most “liver detox” products don’t work as advertised. Some can actually cause harm to your liver as the organ is responsible for metabolizing any drugs, medications, or herbals supplements.
In fact, diet supplements are the number two cause for hospitalizations for liver damage—and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning against these types of detoxes. There are some healthy ways to support your liver in its important detox work.
Alcohol Detoxification
Alcohol detoxification is a process by which a heavy drinker’s system is brought back to normal after using alcohol on a continuous basis. Serious alcohol addiction results in decreased production of GABA, a reuptake inhibitor because alcohol acts to replace it.
Precipitous withdrawal from long-term alcohol addiction without medical management can cause severe health problems and can result in death. Alcohol detox is not a treatment for alcoholism. After detoxification, the patient must undergo other treatments to deal with the underlying addiction that caused alcohol abuse.
Drug Detoxification
Drug detoxification will reduce or relieve withdrawal symptoms while helping the addicted individual adjust to living without drug use; drug detoxification is not meant to treat addiction, but rather, it’s an early step in long-term treatment.
Detoxification is achievable drug-free or may use medications during treatment. Often drug detoxification and treatment will occur in a community program that lasts several months and takes place in a residential rather than a medical center.
Drug detoxification varies, depending on the location of treatment, but most detox centers provide treatment to avoid the symptoms of physical withdrawal to alcohol and other drugs. Most also incorporate counseling and therapy during detox to help with the consequences of withdrawal.
Metabolic Detoxification
An animal’s metabolism can produce harmful substances, which it can then make less toxic through reduction, oxidation (collectively known as redox reactions), conjugation and excretion of molecules from cells or tissues. This is called xenobiotic metabolism.
Enzymes that are important in detoxification metabolism include cytochrome P450 oxidases, UDP-glucuronosyltransferases, and glutathione S-transferases. These processes are particularly well-studied as part of drug metabolism because they influence the pharmacokinetics of a drug in the body.
Alternative Medicine
Certain approaches in alternative medicine claim to remove “toxins” from the body through herbal, electrical or electromagnetic treatments (such as the Aqua Detox treatment). These toxins are undefined and have no scientific basis, making the validity of such techniques questionable. There’s no evidence for toxic accumulation in these cases, as the liver and kidneys automatically detoxify and excrete many toxic materials, including metabolic wastes.
Under this theory, if toxins are too rapidly released without safe elimination (such as metabolizing fat that stores toxins), they can damage the body and cause malaise. Therapies include contrast showers, detoxification foot pads, oil pulling, Gerson therapy, snake-stones, body cleansing, Scientology’s Purification Rundown, water fasting, and metabolic therapy.
10 Signs of toxicity
Low Energy/Fatigued- When you wake in the morning with lower energy levels after sleeping through the night, this can be a sign you need to detoxify especially if you stay “drained” through the day.
Constipated- Chronic constipation is a sign that something isn’t right in your digestive system. If you’ve tried increasing your fiber intake and adjusting your diet with limited results, it could be your body telling you that it needs a cleansing. Frequent Indigestion is also a common sign.
Brain Fog/Unable to Focus- When your body can’t function properly, your brain can’t function properly, this causes mental fog or the inability to focus on tasks. A detox can fix this. Use high chlorophyll drinks (green juices) and super green foods such as spirulina, marine phytoplankton, and chlorella to detox your brain. Flush out your bowels with enemas and colonics.
Feeling Depressed- It is established that certain foods and patterns of thought can affect the body and make you feel depressed. Depression is also a sign of toxin build up in the bowels, liver, and brain. Cleanse the bowels with enemas and colonics and detox the brain with high chlorophyll-containing foods. Eat more yellow and orange foods.
Weight gain- If you cannot seem to lose weight, it is time for a detox. Toxin builds up in the body (especially toxic hormone build up in the liver) is a common cause of excess weight gain and the inability to lose it.
You’ll need a liver to cleanse using fruits and vegetables of all different colors preferably in a liquid form (blended or juiced). Avoid complex carbs, especially bread. Commit yourself to an hour of exercise every day.
Trouble Sleeping- If the body holds an excessive amount of toxins, it may not fully gain the sleep it needs. The “natural sleep cycle” of the body can be affected by the imbalance present within.
Increased headaches- – Sometimes, headaches come from stress, noise, or even allergies. Toxin build-up within the body can also produce symptoms of head pain. For individuals who suffer from daily headaches which have no apparent cause, their bodies may be exhibiting signs of the need to detoxify.
Stiff & sore muscles– After a good night’s sleep, each person should wake up to feeling great and ready to start the day. Many wake up after sleeping through the night, only to find they are stiff and sore for no apparent reason. This is a sure sign the body needs to release toxins that become “stored up” within; toxins can also increase the likelihood of developing inflammation.
Skin Problems/Allergic Reactions- The skin that contains blemishes and rashes can be an outward symptom of poisonous build up in the body. Allergies can also be another indication the body displays when it cannot handle more toxins entering. Individuals who try topical solutions with no success probably need to flush the body by detox.

Extreme Cravings- It seems like everyone has cravings these days. There are emotional triggers to this, but physical cravings can come from an abundance of highly processed and concentrated foods that artificially stimulate dopamine (the pleasure neurotransmitter), which plays a role in addiction.
So, you will “feel good” and naturally want more of the food that is making you feel good. Adding in fermented foods can help teach your body to crave what makes you feel well. Cravings really do disappear once you detoxify.
What happens when you detox
Detoxification or cleansing is very misunderstood. Cleansing allows the body to eliminate used wastes and toxins and helps improve our health as it removes harmful substances we in-hail, ingest and are exposed to every day.

Most people think of a cleansing program or detox as a way to purge their system of the poor food they have eaten and think of this as a way to lose weight. While it certainly helps with weight loss, cleansing or detoxing is also a valuable and healthy process for those who have undergone heavy pharmaceutical intravenous drugs, or who have been hospitalized.
It’ also a must for anyone who has (or suspects they have) any food intolerance’s like kids with Autism and People and kids with Psoriasis, Arthritis, Eczema, Etc… and always essential if you’ve been diagnosed with yeast overgrowth (Candida).
What are the benefits of detoxifying
Physical Benefits
The most noticeable benefits of detoxification are the physical ones. Since the toxins store up in major organs, detoxification will help these areas the most. The organs which are affected, such as the liver and stomach, will begin to work more effectively.
After the detox is completed, you may feel “lighter” and have more energy. Also, since a detox is used to clear away free radicals, your body’s immune system will be stronger and you will have a lower risk of getting cancer. Finally, a detoxification regimen will clear your blood, helping it circulate better.
Mental Benefits
Toxins and free radicals that accumulate in the body can also affect brain functions. Before a detox, you may have trouble sleeping, chronic fatigue, and trouble with your concentration. Once you work through this process, many of these issues will gradually disappear. You will be able to sleep better and concentrate more.
Lifestyle Changes
A benefit which most people don’t think of can be the change to your lifestyle. As you progress through the body detox, you will begin to feel better physically and mentally.
This feeling can be addictive and lead to changing your lifestyle to cut out bad elements which give your body those toxins. Quitting smoking, eating better, and getting more exercise are all actions which help protect the body. After detox is a perfect time to begin these actions.
Tips and Tricks for Detoxing
Top 11 Detox Food
- Apple
- Avocado
- Artichoke
- Beetroot
- Cruciferous vegetables
- (Cabbage, spinach, kale)
- Garlic
- Kiwi fruit
- Prunes
- Seaweed
- Watercress
Top 10 Detox Oils
- Black pepper (colon)
- Angelica (lymphatic system)
- Cypress (water retention)
- Fennel (toxin buster)
- Geranium ( stimulate liver and kidneys)
- Grapefruit (energizing)
- Juniper (liver)
- Lemon (boosts circulation)
- Mandarin (balance)
- Patchouli (diuretic)
Saltwater cleanse
What is a Saltwater Cleanse/Flush?

Salt has long been used as a harmless preservative and disinfectant. The salt in the saltwater cleanse stimulates the body to repair itself in the same way as when you soak an external wound in saltwater or gargle salt water for a sore throat.
Think of the salt water flush as a bath for the inside of your body, where it draws toxins out from the entire digestive tract. When you imagine all of the waste products trapped in your digestive system — not unlike the slime and build-up that accumulates inside a garden hose or household pipes — it makes good sense that your insides benefit from a good washing.
An Amazingly Simple Procedure
- 2 level teaspoons unrefined, non-iodized sea salt (not iodized table salt or Epsom salt)
- 1 quart (32 oz) purified water, lukewarm
- Quart jar (glass)
- Straw
- Kettle for slightly warming water (do not microwave)
- Put 2 teaspoons of salt into a quart jar.
- Pour in warm water and stir.
- Drink the entire 32 oz of salt water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, as quickly as possible. Most people find it easier to drink with a straw.
- After drinking the saltwater, lie on your right side for 30 minutes. This helps the saltwater reach the lower right hand side of the stomach, where the opening to the small intestine is located.
- After 30 minutes, you are free to move about as you wish, though you’ll want to remain near the bathroom.
What to Expect During the Cleanse
Once in the small intestines, the saltwater stimulates contractions that propel the solution through your digestive system. Within an hour you should hear liquids gurgling in your abdomen, especially if you massage the area.
Everyone is unique, but most likely you’ll feel the urge to eliminate within an hour or two. Most people will have multiple eliminations, and intense diarrhea is not uncommon as the saltwater quickly cleanses the entire digestive tract.
Vomiting can also occur. In fact, at one time hospitals used a procedure similar to the salt water flush to induce vomiting. If you struggle to keep the solution down the first time, take heart that this reaction can be overcome in time.
The flush process is intensified by gravity as it rapidly expels water from the body. As a result, it can be uncomfortable, but the process is swift and the discomfort should improve quickly after the cleanse.
Until you are certain that the flush is complete, take care not to pass gas except on the toilet — what you think is gas may actually be more liquid.
Tips on Practicing the Salt Water Flush
You might want to drink an herbal laxative tea the night before the flush to intensify and speed the cleansing process.
You might also speed the process slightly by crouching down and massaging your abdomen to help break up waste matter. Vigorous abdominal exercise may have a similar benefit.
The salt water flush is a highly effective way to expel detoxify your body naturally of toxins and waste. From this salt water flush, you will have better digestion, increased energy, feel like a fresher you, and even weight loss.
Are toxins keeping you fat, sick and tired

The skin, lymph, lungs, kidneys, and liver are all major pathways of the body for detoxifying, but the liver does the heavy lifting. When the liver is overworked and overburdened by medications, alcohol, caffeine; poor food choices and environmental toxins proper digesting of the food you eat is much more difficult.
Our livers were never designed to process the huge amounts of man-made chemicals we are now all being subjected too!
When you don’t digest properly you don’t get the nutrients from your food to nourish your body which not only leaves you feeling crummy (low energy, difficulty losing weight and in pain!) but also puts you at greater risk from invading pathogens. Anyone who frequently gets sick with colds, flu, migraines, experiences nausea, constipation or diarrhea will most certainly benefit from a cleansing.
If you have chronic pain; low energy and poor sleep you should look at cleaning up your detoxification pathways. Likewise, if you have difficulty with concentration, ADHD, arthritis, GUT issues or allergies should absolutely do a clinically supervised detox program
Detoxification for Heavy Metals is a Help for Autistic children
How important is the Body Ecology Principle of Cleansing and Detoxification for autism? We believe it’s absolutely essential. Here’s why: children affected with autism often have a build-up of toxicity from exposure to chemicals, metals, and environmental poisons, as well as internal bacterial and viral infections, like candida.
A large majority of kids on the spectrum need assistance in detoxifying harmful substances from their body. Substances like PBCs (plastics), antimony (from clothing/bedding), heavy metals (lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium) or toxins from their diet like phenols, preservatives, pesticides, etc.
You can only imagine what can happen neurologically when a child has these toxins circulating in their tissues/organs. Lead is known to cause learning disabilities and along with mercury, aluminum, cadmium are neurotoxins. A neurotoxin is a substance which inhibits the functions of neurons which are found throughout the brain and nervous system.
Effects of Toxic Metals in the Body
Mercury – A Key Immune suppressing toxin of the highest order. Has been documented to produce degenerative changes in brain cells similar to those encountered in Alzheimer’s disease.
A neurological toxin and one of the most toxic substances on the planet – its antibacterial effect impacts on the normal flora of the body – leading to a rise in Candida. It can bind to any cell of any organ in the body. The danger is when it combines to lead, aluminum, Pesticide, Herbicides, Fungicides, Parasites, Viruses, and Bacteria. Mercury is lipophilic it concentrates in fatty tissue (Brain and Breast tissue).
Linked to Babies failing to thrive, ADHD, Autism, Depression, Infertility, Insomnia, Skin rashes, Shingles, Insomnia and the triggering of autoimmune reactions (Lupus, Diabetes 1).
Lead – called the horror mineral because of its association to violence, lowered IQ, ADHD, Autism and many neurological problems. Muscle weakness, give rise to male impotence, infertility in both gender and Anemia. Found in petrol, tap water, old water pipes, cigarette smoke, hair dyes, paints, inks, glazes, pesticide/herbicide/fungicide residues, battery manufacturer, and other industries.
Aluminium – a neurotoxin with mounting evidence of its exposure to many neurological disease such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Autism and Parkinson Disease – anemia and other blood disorders, colic, fatigue, neuromuscular disorders– in a shocking numbers of foods such as Baby Formulas, Baking Powder, Processed Foods, pots, pans as well as Antacids, antidiarrheal, Vaccines and personal care products (deodorants).
Arsenic -found in insecticide, has amounting evidence of its exposure to many symptoms/disease such as abdominal pain, severe vomiting, anorexia, dermatitis, diarrhea, edema, fever, fluid loss, goiter, hair loss, headaches, impaired healing -interferes with the uptake of folic acid, inhibition of sulfhydryl enzyme systems, kidney and liver damage, muscle spasms, peripheral neuritis, stomatitis, vertigo, vitiligo and weakness.
Cadmium – Cigarettes -known to be capable of replacing the stores of zinc in the human body. Liver damage is one typical symptom of the presence of cadmium. Hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, anemia, impaired bone healing, cardiovascular disease, hypoglycemia, headaches, schizophrenia.
Asbestos- found in many buildings, Asbestos fibers are released into the air during activities that disturb asbestos-containing materials. The asbestos fibers can then be inhaled without knowing and trapped in the lungs. If swallowed, they can become embedded into the digestive tract as well.
Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and can cause chronic lung disease as well as lung and other cancers. Symptoms and/or cancer may take many years to develop following exposure.
Nickel -found in margarine, commercial peanut butter, shellfish, air pollution, cigarette smoke – Cancer (oral and intestinal) depression, heart attacks, hemorrhages, kidney dysfunction, low blood pressure, muscle tumor and paralysis, nausea, skin problems.
Pointing the finger to mercury’s central role in the creation of autism spectrum disorders do not discount other possible causes of autism or a general theory that includes a multitude of causes, which over the long run weaken children to the point where the toxic overload from chemicals in vaccines is just too much to handle.
Doctors have consistently found in autism a combination of conditions including severe intestinal dysbiosis, systemic fungal and viral infections, mineral deficiencies, abnormal serotonin levels and an abundance of toxic materials including pesticides other chemicals, mercury, and other heavy metals.
Autistic children are suffering from a heavy metal instigated gut and brain infections that create neurological dysfunctions. A fungal infection in the body of an expecting mother can become more acute as blood sugar levels naturally go up. All infections in the mother’s blood are passed to her baby.
How do you test for heavy metals?
There are a number of different laboratory assessments for heavy metal toxicity. A heavy metals panel is a group of tests that measure the quantity of specific, potentially toxic metals in the blood, urine, or more rarely in the hair or other body tissue or fluid.
A laboratory may offer several different groupings of heavy metal panels as well as tests for individual metals. Hair, urine, stool, and blood can be testing to identify metals that have been identified as causative factors in autism.
Without any Diet Restrictions, Medications. Absolutely NON-Invasive
We can help you cleanse and Detox: Chemical Detox, Fluoride Detox, Heavy-metal detox, Lead Detox, Mercury Detox, Aluminium Detox, Chemtrail Detox, Proteins, Toxic detox, Respiratory Detox, Toxins and parasites in the intestine, Toxins in the kidney and Liver, Toxins throughout the body, Pesticide Detox, Colon Cleansing, Liver & Gallbladder Cleansing.
Connect with us through our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NAETDubai or visit: www.naetdubai.com. You will find a wealth of information here along with an opportunity to speak confidentially through WhatsApp 056-639 0197 or Phone Call 04-420 1633.
You may also email us at admin@naetdubai.com
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