A broad spectrum of behavioural and emotional dysfunctions are seen during early childhood. Symptoms can include poor communications skills (using gestures or pointing instead of words); inappropriate verbal response (either non-verbal, or repetitive words/echolalia) poor motor dexterity; social and emotional aloofness; tantrums; aversion to being touched; poor or no eye contact; hyperactivity (spinning and twirling, of self objects); an obsessive preoccupation with inanimate objects; and resistance to change.
One in 40 children is Autistic
What affects the gut affects the brain. Autism could be triggered by a stealth of viral infection of the brain, that could occur in genetically predisposed infants, and could be exacerbated by gluten and casein sensitivities. It could also be aggravated by food colouring, preservatives and flavouring enhancers in manufactured foods. Often, the casein in dairy and the gluten in the grain are simply allergic attacks to the brain.
An allergy can have several components: the body lacks enzymes to break down food, and incompletely digested particles circulate in the bloodstream and irritate the tissue. Or, there are other proteins present in the substance in which body reacts in a negative fashion. In either case, in autistic children, the unmetabolized chemicals reach the parts of the brain involved with learning and speech and react with opiate receptors. NAET autism treatment is proven effective worldwide.
What are the associations of food allergy and other allergic conditions with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children?
This cross-sectional study used nationally representative data from 199 520 children aged 3 to 17 years who participated in the US National Health Interview Survey from 1997 to 2016. Children with food, respiratory, and skin allergies were significantly more likely to have ASD than children without these allergies.
Common allergic conditions, in particular, food allergy, are associated with ASD among US children, but the underlying mechanism for this association needs further study in the Autism treatment in children.
Most children in the ASD have multiple food intolerances that affect their behaviour. Fructose, the pure form of sugar increase hyperactivity in an autistic child.
Mercury, Lead, Aluminium are some of the heavy metals that are commonly found in an autistic child. Natural heavy metal detox is gently and effective.
Almost all packaged food contains artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives, and addictive. These manmade chemicals greatly impair the brain functions of an autistic child.
Yeast, when it overgrows becomes fungus, it weakens the immune system vastly creating multiple food sensitivity in autism
In early 2006, NAET global selected 126 subjects from 21 different centres across the United States to be a part of a larger autism study. The ages range from 3 to 10 years of boys and girls. Each office has 6 subjects, 3 in a treatment group and 3 in a control group. The entire study took two years to complete.
Watch children overcome in the
Autism Spectrum Disorder. Click to PLAY
The gut-brain connection is a pivotal point in combating the Autism Spectrum Disorder. A gluten-free diet is a good start; this brings us to understand why gluten/ lactose-free diet influences autistic symptoms and works effectively in the autism treatment.
An over-reactive immune system can cause an imbalance in the flow of energy and may impair neurological functions in the child. Lactose and gluten intolerance in the system can greatly affect the child’s behaviour and cognitive skills, removing this food in your child can be beneficial and there will be a noticeable difference. This is a good start.
Sugar will increase hyperactivity in an autistic child. Remove all sugary foods in the will calm the child. Food colourings, food additives, and food preservatives must be avoided, these are found mostly in the supermarket shelves foods that are manufactured to give shelf life.
Building the immune system by desensitising the body from various food groups including proteins, calcium, vitamin C & B complex, trace mineral like Iron, minerals and balancing stomach acids will build the weakened gut.
You may notice that your child has a high tolerance for pain than his/her sibling. This is common and we don’t know why. Boys are very strong, at least 2-3 years stronger than their biological age. Sometimes parents may not be able to contain a very hyperactive child.
A non-verbal child understands what we speak but will not be able to express. This becomes frustrating for the child and may show behavioural changes. They may point at objects/foods and may hold your hands to indicate their want. Most children understand your language; this is true in most cases. Do NOT speak anything in front of your child that you may not want him/her to know. They are very sensitive and may change behaviour depending on which parent they are close to. Talk to them and express yourself as talking to a normal person, they may talk when they want. Having a sibling will help the child speak sooner and its very effective and therapies.
Your child may not poop every day, they could be constipated for days and may poop once in 3-5 days. Most of them may need diapers as they have an extreme fear of the commode in the early years.
Natural Herbs like Senna Pods, Mugwort, and Slippery Elm Bark helps in constipation and digestion.
Various pathogenic stresses like bacterial stress, viral stress, fungal stress, and parasitical stress disrupt the energy balance and weaken the immune system. Knowing and understanding these stresses, in the long run, can keep the organism in control, thus reducing symptoms greatly in the Autism treatment.
Digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, recurring fungal infections, skin problems, mood swings, and more, all caused by Candida overgrowth. Avoiding fermented foods will greatly improve the gut. Probiotics help in restoring the intestinal flora
Amalgam, lead, aluminium and mercury presence are reported in a child with Autism Its hard to say how these heavy metals enter the body. Environmental stress needs constant detox in various stages of the development.
Most foods we eat lack rich nutrients, minerals, and trace elements and there is very little nutritional value in processed foods. Blockages in the system will hinder the body from absorbing these in natural foods. Unblocking is the key than supplementing. A healthy and well-balanced diet is always commendable.
Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET, are a non-invasive, drug-free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupressure, chiropractic technique, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines. There are 13,000 qualified NAET practitioners worldwide.
NAET uses the bio-energetic information of the body and works deep at the cellular level.
The three levels at which NAET addresses sensitivities are Physical level or the superficial level, Nutritional level or Chemical level, and Emotional level. A certain allergen can affect all three levels, however, a blockage in any one of these level indicates a problem for the person and hence needs to be desensitized.
In identifying and eliminating the underlying allergies, the body is able to return to a state of balance and symptoms disappear.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”
– Thomas Alva Edison
Home for natural healing in body mind and spirit. When all else fails, there is hope. Let your body heal, we just provide the right environment through nutrition and energy healing. See for yourself!