An allergy is an over-reaction or hypersensitivity of the body’s immune system to a certain substance caused by the disturbance in the energy pathway in the Meridian system. Most often, it is inherited from our parents due to genetics. Finding your root cause and eliminating it stops the symptoms for good. Skin allergy Treatment – Natural and Self Healing Technique.
Skin Allergy is mostly caused by the psychosomatic/psychological state of the person at the time of the first exposure to a compound. For example, if one is in a state of Stress, Irrational, or living in fear for one’s life at the time you are exposed to a substance; then the body can make excess antigens to a substance thereby triggering a reaction. Allergy has a strong mental component.
Allergy is an immediate reaction of the immune system when we consume certain foods. When allergic, a person is unable to properly assimilate, process, and excrete a substance. Often the offending substance is a protein, in the form of a food, that the body cannot break down into its most usable components. Many symptoms of what we call an allergy are the body’s attempt to get rid of the offending substance.
An Intolerance is a slow reaction. Most people take years to figure out if they have an intolerance to certain food. Every person has a tolerance level to a certain food, for example, when we consume milk – our body may be able to tolerate it on that particular day, but as we start consuming it on a daily basis, soon it crosses the tolerance level and becomes an intolerance. This skin allergy is most common in children as well as adults.
It can be triggered by milk (lactose intolerance), soy, eggs, chocolate, shellfish, citrus fruits, and nuts (especially peanuts). Similarly, intolerance to gluten – a protein molecule in grain that gives it an elastic texture, which is present in large amounts in wheat, rye, barley, oats, and Spelt can cause many complications. Some of the root cause in eczema and skin rashes are attributed to the above two protein.
Allergy affects the weakest organ system in the body. With a weak immune system, allergies and intolerances can affect the digestive system, respiratory system, dermal system or neural system. It takes many years with an intolerance to break out into symptoms in these areas. Finding the root cause and eliminating it is the key to overcoming allergies and food sensitivities.
Mothers milk helps build our immune system – a child with a compromised immune system can react to the proteins found in the milk, like Whey, Lactose, Casein, and Lactic Acid which is most often a primary cause for skin allergies. This can cause your child to itch severely, and constant itching can lead to a dry, thick and leathery skin texture that often breaks out into hives. One way to find out if your child has Lactose or Casein intolerance is by avoiding Mothers milk, Cows milk or Camel, Goats milk for a few weeks. Alternatively, you could also try plant-based milk like Almond milk, Rice milk, Soya milk etc. An IgE test can reveal sensitivities to milk and basic food. This information makes it easy to understand the food that triggers your child’s Eczema.
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