Yes, Stomach Pains Are the Reason For Some Major Diseases!!!

Woman free from pain - NAET Dubai

NAET eliminated my IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) It has been 30 years since I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). During these years, my whole lifestyle was affected. Going on long trips, hopping on airlines, going on vacations, sight-seeing and staying long hours away from home was out of the question. I never knew […]

Grains Are Truly Addictive

Grains are addictive NAET Dubai

Grain Addiction: Why Is Bread So Addictive It’s often stated offhandedly that wheat is addictive. And absolutely, wheat for many people feels like something they could never give up. I hear it all the time: “I couldn’t live without bread.” “What would I do without cereal, dinner rolls, toast…..” And what is often the main […]