NAET Gate Points in Autism & Food Allergies

Naet Gate Points

Step by step guide for NAET Gate Points in Autism & Allergy Many of us are aware of the Gate Points, some of us many do them regularly too. In fact, how many of us actually understand the significance of each of these Gate Points, and why we specifically stimulate these points amongst many others. […]

Eczema Treatment in Dubai, A Natural Cure

I’m sure many of us at some point have turned to Google and searched WebMD to find out what Eczema actually is. The first hurdle is getting the spelling right, thankfully Google’s auto-suggest would have taken care of that. Eczema treatment becomes simple when we understand the root cause and eliminate it. It’s a natural […]

A Natural Way To Eliminate Your Migraine

Migraine Treatment Dubai

Migraine and Weather Forecasting Skill A 60-year-old female came in with the history of migraines for over 20 years. She takes pain medication regularly whenever she got the migraines, sometimes she felt better when she took the medication, sometimes nothing helped. She suffered from headaches at least a couple of months, especially before the weather […]

Freedom from Psoriasis after 18 years.

Hand with Psoriasis NAET Dubai

A real story of HOPE for millions with Psoriasis – Dubai My name is Stanley, I am a 34 year old male living with Psoriasis for the past 18 years. My ordeal started with dry, itchy skin and rashes on my legs that slowly spread to my elbow and fingers. When I was younger, I recollect having Eczema and […]