86.3% fail to recognise the trigger factors in Eczema

know your foods, chemicals, and environmental factors that trigger eczema and overcome for good without medications.

all natural

no medication

no side-effects

root cause

permanent cure

Natural Eczema Cure, why it works

An over-reactive immune system will attack the weakest organ system, in this case, it’s the skin. Finding the underlying cause is the key to eliminating the root cause of Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis, Skin Allergies and promoting Natural Eczema Cure

Food and environments stressors overwhelm the immune system thus triggering histamine. Anti-histamine only suppresses the symptoms for a while, however it comes back when we are exposed to the same allergen.


Woman free from pain - NAET Dubai

Mechanics of Allergy in Eczema

We inherit 40% our our genes from our parents, this can be allergies too. This explains infant and childhood allergies and intolerances. However, we can become allergic to certain foods, chemicals and environmental factors through induced stress. This can happen anytime in life and it can be spontaneous.

Our Immune System can be re-trained to remove Cellular Memory Imbalances. This can be achieved through Applied Kinesiology, Acupressure and certain Chiropractic techniques. All of them are non-invasive and natural ways to eliminate the stressors.

Checking for the common foods we eat will reveal  IgG food intolerances in us


Dust, dust mites, cold/heat energy including pollen, grass and trees can be a trigger 


Emotions can trigger Eczema without external stimulants. It can affect us physically too.

Overcame severe Eczema after 7 years with NAET

eczema photo
Naet Dubai Reviews

google reviews

Cynthia FernandesCynthia Fernandes
06:04 05 Jun 24
NAET is a hidden wellness treasure.If you are ready to face your fears and at the same time, be fascinated by the mechanisms of your body, then this technique is for you.The physical body is constantly communicating with us, and it is time to listen so as to move forward towards a healthier outcome.Discover the foods that create inflammation in your body thereby creating the physical blocks of energy. Then make wiser choices.This is an investment in your health and in your future.
Sofia SoobhanySofia Soobhany
15:31 04 Mar 24
My son was born with a wheat and egg allergy confirmed after an allergy test at a well known hospital. He would break out in red blisters and spots all over his body and the eczema on his legs would become red and puffy.We went for a consultation with Dr Tom and he also confirmed the allergies and prescribed a plan using bio resonance to desensitise the allergy, there was no side effects or intrusive intervention involved so I decided to put my faith into god and we decided to invest and take... the treatment.To our astonishment our son is now able to eat all kinds of food that includes wheat and egg without having a reaction to these specific ingredients, I was so happy that he was able to eat cake for his 1st birthday! I have noticed a reaction to other ingredients which I have been able to speak to Dr Sarita about and they were more than happy to offer to check for me.Dr Sarita would come to greet us at every treatment and ask for any updates or changes to ensure the process was tailored for my son, Dr Tom would also come to discuss my sons progress. Dr Tom and Dr Sarita are both very warm and kind hearted people who invest themselves in each patient, I was impressed by the way the took a holistic approach rather than main stream medical practice who follow procedures by only focusing on the issue at hand. I will be going back to NEAT to look into my asthma condition.A huge heartfelt thank you for the work you have done with our boy, the pictures we took will go into his memory box and he will know you helped him overcome his allergies in years to come!All the very best!read more
Katerina VukovaKaterina Vukova
06:06 09 Jan 24
I'm truly thankful for the exceptional care I received at NAET Wellness Center. They not only helped me solve a health issue I thought was unsolvable but also left me thoroughly impressed with their kindness and uplifting spirit.I would like to share my problem in case any other woman is facing something like this. My journey involved grappling with menstrual irregularities caused by diet and intense workouts. Several doctors simply suggested contraceptive pills, which I took for 7 years... without resolution. Frustrated, I sought another opinion and discovered the downsides of prolonged pill use. Upon stopping, my period vanished, leading to skin problems, and mood swings.Thankfully I found out about NAET from a friend. Just a month into their therapies, my period miraculously returned. Their approach not only addressed the issue but also improved my overall well-being. If you're facing a similar situation, I highly recommend NAET Wellness Center for their expertise and genuine more
Aniket KulkarniAniket Kulkarni
18:39 25 Dec 23
My daughter was suffering from an atopic condition of eczema for 1 year. We tried many conventional treatments, which were not successful. When Allopath suggested steroids, we decided to opt for a naturopathic treatment. I am so glad that we visited N.A.E.T JLT. After few sessions, we observed a significant improvement. And today my daughter is back to her normal routine. She can eat anything and everything like other kids. I cannot explain the psychological impact. She is a confident person... once again. Thanks to Dr. Tom, Dr. Sarita, Lian and other support staff. In this clinic all your questions will be answered without any hesitation. Dr. Tom and Dr. Sarita are very kind, knowledgeable and supportive more
Marina VoykovaMarina Voykova
19:59 30 Oct 23
Chantelle CardozoChantelle Cardozo
10:10 22 Sep 23
To begin with , I had a few underlying issues such as. I was constipated, I had irregular bowel movement for a long time , which lead to spike in pressure - I went to many doctors, who did all sorts of test, but could not identify the root cause of my issue, In desperation I contacted (NAET- DUBAI) and this is where it all changed for me.Firstly the entire (NAET),staff are warm & pleasant, secondly,they have seamless system , state of the art technology which enabled them to identify my root... issue and this is the best part , no dillydallying , they got to the bottom of my issue, they outlined a full program, diet and a strict time table.Tom & Sarita were very pleasant, firm and positive all throughout my ongoing journey, in a short span of time my bowel movements regularized, my guts started healing, and I started feeling so much better.My entire on going journey is a bliss, a big thank you to the entire team who nursed me with joy and passion , i am a very grateful and blessed customer.Love - more
Radha PatelRadha Patel
07:13 11 Sep 23
I had a lovely experience being treated by Dr. Tom and Dr. Sarita. The modality for treatment is unique and effective. After not having my period for a year, I got it after one treatment at NAET
Masud BerizeMasud Berize
05:15 08 Sep 23
Thank you, dear doctor. Before going to the doctor, I had a lot of inflammation and now I am satisfied
Christina ChoieChristina Choie
12:46 25 Aug 23
I first visited NAET Dubai in August 2022 as I was having a severe flare up due to topical steroid withdrawal. From my first visit Dr Tom, Dr Sarita, Leane and the team were warm, understanding and kind, qualities that were often absent from the numerous doctors I had visited before. They took the time to listen and fully understand my situation and worked on a plan to help me identify potential triggers and what could be done to desensitize these triggers and improve my situation.  They also... helped me manage other issues I was having like insomnia etc. as a result of the steroid withdrawal.Dr Tom, Dr Sarita, Leane and the team have always been very professional and answered any queries I have relating to the treatment. They have also been very supportive and have let me know that they are always there to help me during my healing more
Anand SubramanianAnand Subramanian
10:30 12 Aug 23
My daughter had allergy to so many things. Did so much experiments with allopathy without any temporary results. Only place which cured all the issues NAET. Guys any skin related issues please close your eyes and go for it. I strongly recommend it.
Sharib AkhtarSharib Akhtar
13:04 02 Aug 23
Never thought I'll write such reviews as we approached them after a careful deliberation and assessment. The initial impression was surely reassuring even though we showed hesitations but after spending over 6 months and around 10,000 AED, there were zero benefits and they kept upselling new sessions after block of session ended. Eventually all assurances died down one fine day and in the name of alternate therapy, all we ended up was loosing money, patience and time. Both Dr Tom and Dr.... Saritha were clueless and all their tall claims were flushed down the drain. They stopped claiming and one fine day said its not helping.NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALLread more
Sonia KhiaraSonia Khiara
15:27 27 Mar 23
Very unprofessional behavior. I was asked to come for an interview for 3 rounds and we shook hands on the 3rd round only to know that it was waste of time & no one really got back to me. Very unprofessional behavior hope they are serious in what they do. They don’t respect anybody’s time.Reply to your comment- i have proof which says otherwise. I have filed an official complaint anyway. STOP WASTING PEOPLES TIME & let’s accept that you guys were wrong. I’m a cery professional person hence i... was offered the job..but you guys did not keep your side of the words. Anyway hope you do not waste any job seekers time and appreciate the time and effort they put in to come and meet with you. I hope you all are well trained with the hiring procedures. Good luck!read more
Siddhika jalanSiddhika jalan
14:59 14 Mar 23
I was referred NAET by a friend, as i preferred natural method of healing. I dont like popping pills and doing multiple tests. I wasn't sure about this initially, but i stayed optimistic and gave it a shot. It was totally worth it.As the sessions kept going I found a drastic change in myself. I felt more energetic and charged. With few changes in diet and some healing sessions with the team, the level of cadida had started going down and I could feel it as my sweet cravings... disappeared.Moreover Dr Tom and Dr Sarita are so warmand caring, they go extra mile to explain the details so one can understand easily. I later got to know these sessions heal you from the core..and you don't even feel a thing.its something one can only experience.This is the best and easiest method of healing I have come across and team of NAET Dubai made it an even better and effortless experience.Thank you soo more
Sana KhanSana Khan
18:14 16 May 22
Sounds like a good alternative option for treatment of allergies.Not sure what is the mechanism of action though
La'Toya Jackson-MorganLa'Toya Jackson-Morgan
19:00 19 Apr 22
I was extremely happy with the service offered by the staff at NAET Wellness Center. I was skeptical about using alternative treatment but guess what? It was a very good decision. I found out things that I didn’t know about myself and this new information allowed me to take better care of my health.I had two severe allergic reaction in the past year and my doctor recommended that I see an allergist. Fortunately I was visiting Dubai and I googled and found this place. I was experiencing a pain... in my side for awhile back and thought it was associated with my ovulation but little did I know that my Fallopian tube was infected. I did only 7 out of the 11 sessions recommended; however, I started seeing positive results from early in the treatment process. I’m happy that I’m no longer feeling the pain and this was done without taking in any medicine/ chemical. I’m grateful, I went in for one thing and found out a lot.All the staff members were really friendly and caring.The office was always clean and quiet.I will definitely do a follow up if I should return to more
ayshathul Haliyaayshathul Haliya
12:40 07 Mar 22
At first I wasn't convinced when my colleagues told me. But then I did a little bit of research and understood it is a non invasive procedure. Quit smoking session was actually for my husband who was a heavy smoker. It was miracle that he stopped immediately after the first session. The second session was detoxifying remainng nicotine from the body. I strongly recommend this procedure and NAET Dubai who wants to quit smoking for a better and healthier lifestyle.
03:59 04 Mar 22
My son had severe eczema, he used to be scratching himself to the point where he would start bleeding, his friends wouldn't play with him, he used to be so miserable, we couldn't go into the pools or to the beach.Dr Sarita and Tom worked very hard on him, it took them around 8 months, today he's cured of eczema thanks to Dr Sarita and Tom my son is living a normal life.
Fedaa Abou ShahenFedaa Abou Shahen
08:43 23 Feb 22
A family run facility that are so diligent, kind and whose main intention is the family health and well being. The technology allows for an in depth viewing to your inner world which brings with it a certain clarity on your journey to optimum wellbeing. Encompasses accomplishment of nurture and nature modalities… highly recommended ❤️
Noor OmranNoor Omran
06:03 06 Feb 22
I saw a great improvement in my 4 year old eczema patches and food sensitivities. Dr Surita and Tom take their time in the process and they’re very diligent in their approach. They make you feel like family, and they’re geniunely concerned for every patient. I’m very grateful for them.
Minaal AdnaniMinaal Adnani
17:30 01 Feb 22
A month ago, I came to visit Dr Tom and Sarita about the severe eczema on my body. They have changed my life in such a short amount of time. They have re-defined what treating patients look like. They approach healing from a holistic perspective and take my emotions into their approach for healing my body. I’ve already seen such incredible results with my skin. Not only has the eczema has calmed down and no longer feels compulsively itchy, but I have calmed down. I was in a dreadful mental... space before NAET and the combination of treatments and conversations with Dr Tom and Sarita have given me the inspiration to lead a healthier life and hope that I will experience progress and perfect health over time. I am happier and more at peace than I have been in a long time. NAET isn’t just another doctors office where patients are a number. I feel like a whole person when I go in for my treatments because of the warmth and kindness of the staff. I didn’t know it was possible to desensitize myself from things I’ve been allergic to my whole life and I’m so excited to live a life that is filled with all the things I love. I could not be more grateful for the work that Dr Tom and Sarita are doing for people. This is the future!read more
Bareerah AbuBareerah Abu
17:46 13 Jun 21
I had an excellent time at NAET I found improvement in my Skin I made wonderful friends at NAET thanks a lot Dr.Sarita, Dr.Thomas, Elisa and PraiseFrom Bareerah————It was a blessing for us from Allah that we found NAET in UAE an alternative healing center / technique which showed great improvement in the treatment of my daughter’s Eczema , food and other environmental material allergies. In the beginning we were skeptical as to the efficacy and method of the treatment , plus the cost per... session of each session was heavy on the pocket for us but Alhamdulillah it was worth it and I can testify that I saw my daughter improve significantly to the point that she is now almost completely cured of her skin condition. The heavy rashes she previously had before the treatment , seeping with blood, plasma and pus have all disappeared. It was hard on my daughter especially for the first 3 - 4 months where she had to avoid many food items / follow a very restricted diet - to isolate her allergies (especially for a child who is an avid goody) but once the foods started to be introduced it was really a happy moment for all of us. All the credit goes to the staff doctors and assistants at NAET who are real professionals , very hospitable and friendly and care for their patients like family, and take the time out to assist, guide you and answer all your questions concerns, and queries with patience and good spirit. Prior to NAET we had tried allopathy steroid creams and homeopathy , but the results were not promising or long lasting, we saw better results with NAET treatment and hope and pray to Allah that the pleasant change lasts for life. All the best for the future for NAET team will definitely recommend parents of children with chronic allergy conditionsHaroon - father of Bareerahread more
Maya DahMaya Dah
06:58 05 Jun 21
The treatment for allergy worked very well to me and the team there was very helpful and caring.
Roy AftimosRoy Aftimos
09:19 12 Mar 21
My daughter had a severe allergy to many things including pets, horses and a diversity of food. NEAT managed to get rid of the allergy without the need to any medication which all other clinics and doctors recommended. What was really impressive is NEAT transparency and ethical approach and most importantly their constant follow ups even months after my daughter was cured. Well done and highly recommended!
Christina MandodyChristina Mandody
10:23 13 Dec 20
NAET absolutely gave me my quality of life back and helped me figure out what were causing all my issues. I've struggled with food allergies my entire life and always felt less confidence in my ability to live life like others until I met Sarita, Tom and the entire NAET team! They uncovered so many truths about what was causing my discomfort and hindering happiness totally healed my mind, body and soul! I've never been happier and can eat anything I like and experience everything I want to.... I'll never forget this gift and have made friends for life!read more
Maryam RahmanMaryam Rahman
16:46 11 Nov 20
My daughters and I went to NAET for the 1st time with various issues including food allergies, anxiety, pms and other complaints. Our lives have been transformed thanks to this highly effective alternative healing method not to mention the care and attention of the NAET JLT team. After 3 months of therapy I can safely recommend this method as well as these specialists to anyone suffering from chronic physical and mental health issues.💕
Seema ShettySeema Shetty
05:28 11 Nov 20
I am now a complete fan of NAET Dubai. Between Tom and Sarita, they solved my thyroid, food intolerances and some other issues as well that I was facing, almost miraculously! And the full body scan also gave me an insight into what to watch out for and take preventative steps now. They are now my go-to for any issues that may come up. Thank you! 🙏
Ishrath MohammedIshrath Mohammed
14:07 04 Nov 20
I would really recommend this place for everyone... Dr.Tom & Dr.Sarita are amazing. The staff is soo friendly and welcoming. My skin condition is so much better and I feel so good. Words are not sufficient to describe how thankful I am to NAET. Thank you for the best result I could ever get out of any treatments so far.
Helen Grace UgaldeHelen Grace Ugalde
12:31 03 Nov 20
Im super satisfied with my treatment. Now no more itchiness and scratches to my skin . Thanks and God bless your clinic.
Valeria MastrosimoneValeria Mastrosimone
07:06 06 Oct 20
5 mesi fa-I would like to recommend Naet to anyone! Doctor Tom is "wow :)" and his staff is very professional and friendly. Great job and great result!
Rania BadawiRania Badawi
19:29 21 Jul 20
I have started my treatment at NAET in January and already feeling the difference. Before going, I was constantly wheezing and sneezing and had a hard time breathing. Tom&Sarita helped me get rid of the wheezing. The best part is that the treatment is non invasive at all and works on rebalancing the body. I also have thyroid and hormonal issues that Tom and Sarita are helping with. Tom and Sarita are very professional and friendly and very ethical in their practise. I love going to my... appointments, the team always welcomes me with a big smile and makes me feel very comfortable. I highly recommend trying NAET if you suffer from food intolerances or allergies or hormonal imbalances or gut issues. Amazing team and technique!read more
Michele WongMichele Wong
07:00 23 Jun 20
I'm a big fan of NAET's full body scan. It felt so accurate in identifying past / current health realities and helped me be more aware of what my body needs. I love Tom's approach in explaining everything. I highly recommend.
Ahmed adamAhmed adam
08:02 30 May 20
Its natural and it works amazingly . Experienced staff and very friendly .
10:02 28 May 20
Wow where do I start? I'm currently 35 years old and I've had asthma and dust, cat, pollen allergies for as far back as I know. In 2019 it got so bad (doubling in intensity every year) that I said to myself this can't be it? There has to be a way to solve this issue! Somehow and something led me to NAET Dubai. Understanding and working with audio frequencies really helped me grasp what Tom and Sarita were telling me. Every session I had with them not only made me feel better but came with a... tutorial on better life and eating habits. Think how a noise cancelling headphone works; thats being done on your cell brains (the mitochondria). The inverse frequency of what you are allergic to is resonated into your body cleaning it out with zero harm to anything else! I actually felt my body healing its self after every session. There is a cure for asthma. There is a cure for Chronic bronchitis. Don't even get me started on the chronic cough I had for at least 15 years if not more. Oh and by the way, I also did the quit smoking session. That is where you really feel the difference! You can't stand next to a smoker ever again. You are repulsed by it. I even tried to dare myself to smoke again, you just can't do it. Its like the first day you pick up a cigarette when your friend tells you to try it and you feel repulsed by it. Thats exactly the feeling after the quit smoking session. I can't recommend Sarita and Tom enough. Even after I'm done with my sessions I will still go there because their honesty, generosity, and kindness is contagious. You learn, you become friends, you chat, and you get cured for things traditional medicine unfortunately doesn't even know you can cure! It's so sad that not many people know about this and if someone asks me what was the most revolutionary thing that I learned in my life it would definitely be this. Go in for a test and see for yourself. The girls in the clinic are the nicest, most hardworking and extremely knowledgeable girls I have ever met. I feel love and kindness and knowledge every time I go there besides the fact I haven't sneezed once since my first session 🙂 I have made genuine friends for life and I thank NAET, Tom, Sarita and the girls for everything they have done for me. Love you Tom, Sarita, and Girls 🙂read more
Sunaina DhirSunaina Dhir
05:40 04 May 20
I visited Naet since I had a skin allergy that was troubling me a lot and it was very uncomfortable to go out socially . Sarita took personal care of my condition and I was treated out of many allergies in no time especially my heat allergy . The non invasive treatment is one of the best if you can be patient , but the cure is for certain .
souheil ali hassansouheil ali hassan
11:10 02 May 20
I would really like to recommend Naet for anyone looking to strengthen their immune system and improve their health with regards to any food intolerance or toxins. The Doctors and staff are very friendly and empathetic. Great result!
Dana FairhurstDana Fairhurst
12:46 02 Feb 20
Tom and Sarita changed our son’s life. At 15 months we decided to do an allergy and food intolerance test for him after he was failing to gain weight and was struggling with gastro issues. Doctors offered no real advice or plan to help him so we had to seek alternative routes. The test showed he had mild to severe intolerances to a very long list of foods as well as a confirmed cow’s milk allergy. With such a restricted diet and his already slow growth we became very stressed and worried about... his overall health, until we met Tom and Sarita and started him with the Naet treatment. The sessions were fairly smooth sailing as he just had to sit (or often sleep) on the mat for 15 minutes. Before long he was showing improvements in speech and he began walking, and within a few month we began slowly introducing foods on the no-go list which he didn’t seem to have any reaction to. The most notable one of all was the cow’s milk, which previously he would break into spots all over. Now he was drinking full fat milk with absolutely no reaction, skin or gut. It’s been 6 months since he started Naet and he now eats everything. He no longer struggles with gas, his skin is clear and smooth, he is gaining weight and his development is incredible. My husband and I cannot thank Tom and Sarita enough. They are both so kind and compassionate and they are so knowledgable. I highly recommend this to everyone!read more
Adithya IyerAdithya Iyer
05:41 07 Sep 19
The past year was pretty rough for me. I suffered from severe migraine and other health issues. NAET helped me a lot by eliminating most if my allergies. During my vacation this year, I noticed how well my immunity levels had risen as a result of their treatment. I'm very happy with their approach to non-allopathic treatments and will definitely recommended you visit them!
Riaz AhmedRiaz Ahmed
10:04 23 May 19
My son who is ADHD is under NAET treatment for some time now, I found the treatment is very effective especially for the food intolerance. Earlier he used to have issues with many food categories which is now almost nil. We are very happy the treatment we are getting even though there is long way to go. Appreciate each and every one related to NAET for the kindness they have shown towards my son.
Pavan MulanniPavan Mulanni
07:27 18 May 19
My daughter had heavy eczema a year and a half ago. We tried everything and finally ended up at NAET Dubai. Dr Sarita has been pivotal in helping our daughter cure her eczema. It's been an intense but amazing journey and if you or any of your loved ones have Eczema, I strongly suggest you visit this place.
Christina BijuChristina Biju
08:56 12 May 19
Our son has been having allergy issues since childhood and has been on constant use of steroid creams. We were lucky to have him visit NAET Dubai. He was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and allergies to few food groups. He has been cured from these and now he is very happy. Tom and Dr. Sarita have taken him through the sessions with lot of care and commitment. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to them. The ambience is great and the staff are excellent. They followup regularly... with their patients. Words are not enough to express how thankful I am to NAET. Thank youread more
geeta ramakrishnangeeta ramakrishnan
08:47 04 May 19
I visited NEAT for my food intolerance issues and found the treatment effective with a good attention to details while offering a friendly atmosphere. NAET, being non invasive works well on children, as I understand. Wishing Dr.Sarita and Tom all the very best😀
Aruna arunaAruna aruna
06:27 04 May 19
It is a homely atmosphere with Altruistic approach were u feel you are very much cared and being part of the family. When we went first time we did not have any hope about NAET treatment. My son is in this treatment for autism and hyperactivity almost nearly two years, he had lot of allergies and wheezing now everything is gone. His understanding level has improved a lot. He had once viral fever and in one treatment he was completely relieved from those symptoms. Recently he had candida... infection with very bad skin irritation and hyperactivity some sort of irritable behaviors with one session of treatment his skin rashes and irritation completely went away. Am sure at the end of the treatment he will be out if all autistic symptoms too. He has very bad black stains in his teeth with their expert ideas even those went away gradually. May the lord bless all your sincere efforts and make you a great blessing to all such kids. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on encouraging and by trying when there seemed to be no hope at all… NAET wellness center is a place where it gives you hope to your kids where there seemed to be no hope at all for their future!!!”read more
Julio AquinoJulio Aquino
03:41 02 May 19
I took my son to NAET for a treatment and left that building with many friends - with the treatment done of course! 🙂My son loved his appointments and couldn’t wait to be there again. I thank all the team there, Sarita, Tom, Lovelle and every person there supporting and ensuring such a welcoming environment.Do not hesitate to pay a visit and check by yourself.
anand krishnananand krishnan
11:05 29 Apr 19
I had a pretty good experience of getting treated at NAET and specifically by Dr. Tom. A few sessions to get rid of my allergic was indeed painless and quick from my perspective. Have been free of allergic reactions from certain foods now for two months since I was treated. Worth a try and visit.
Jacqueline CraftJacqueline Craft
13:28 27 Apr 19
I was recommended NAET to help clear my thyroid disorder. After over 10 years on medication I am now off medicines thanks to Dr Sarita! Everyone is very kind and helpful. Couldn't recommend it enough.
Alfred FaridAlfred Farid
13:33 06 Aug 18
The staff at Naet are awesome, very friendly and will to go the extra mile to help. I should have visited Tom earlier, would have definitely saved me a lot of money.I did it for the experience and found I have an issue which the team is working on to address.
Lyl FormosoLyl Formoso
14:11 29 Jul 18
So glad we chose to go with Naet over a dermatology clinic for the treatment of my daughter’s acne problem. And so far we have seen significant results in her condition as Naet was able to properly identify her allergens. Long way to go I know but loving the results! Highly recommend their services!
Usma SheikhUsma Sheikh
14:44 19 Jun 18
Naet by far is the best non medical treatment for allergies. My baby suffered with multiple allergies and as the treatment progressed he became allergy free, stronger and happier. The care here is phenomenal and the staff are so friendly and helpful. Dr Sarita and Tom are such wonderful people. They always listened and answered all our questions patiently. They took good care of us. Thank you.
Sunandha KarthikSunandha Karthik
15:15 03 Apr 18
Really happy with the experience at NAET. Both Sarita and Tom are really caring and the treatment they provided has helped completely heal the allergies both my children were having. Hats off to you guys!! I went in with much apprehension and came out overjoyed.
Mariyah ArafMariyah Araf
07:41 18 Feb 18
I would like to say that I am now a big believer of alternative therapy after attending NAET THERAPY. It has helped me greatly to over come my numerous allergies from food to cleaning chemicals. I have suffered from eczema for many years and I never thought I would see the day where it would end. Not only that I was feeling very drained. Constantly tired even when I have had enough sleep to the point I struggled in the morning to get out of bed. It was as if I have brain fog, I couldn't think... clearly and was always forgetting what I'm saying mid conversation etc. After testing me we discovered why and treated the problem. If it wasn't for the amazing practitioners (Dr Tom & Dr Sarita) at the clinic I would still be in that same state. But thanks to them that is now in my past. NAET treats many health conditions such as migraines, infections and even helps with many symptoms of autism. I highly recommend it. 😊read more



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