“Acne isn’t something you have to live with”

More people are seeking treatment for the condition and it is effective in most cases, dermatologists say

(Source: Gulf News, Published: 15:08 December 12, 2014, By Jumana Khamis, Staff Reporter)

Dubai: 8 out of 10 people around the world are likely to suffer from acne at some point in their lives. Dubai residents are no exception and dermatologists say that the number of acne patients in the emirate is on the rise.

The causes of persistent pimples and daily rashes can range from poor diets to environmental factors to genetics and hormonal variations, Dr. Kumar said.

What is Acne?

Acne is a skin disease that is particularly common among adolescents, though some people have acne that lasts into adulthood.

Acne involves a disorder with glands in the skin that are located next to hair follicles. These glands, called sebaceous glands, secrete an oily substance called sebum. Everyone has these glands, and the secretion of sebum is normal, but people with acne have larger glands that release more sebum in into the skin. The excess sebum can trap oil, bacteria, and skin cells.

Different Types of Acne


Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles. These bumps are called “blackheads” because the surface looks dark or black. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually form on the face, but they can also appear on the back, chest, neck, arms, and shoulders.


In terms of appearance, they’re pretty much exactly what they sound like: small blemishes with whitish “heads,” which result when the follicles get plugged with sebum and dead skin cells. Sebum is another word for oil but doesn’t be alarmed. Your skin needs a certain amount of natural oil to protect and nourish your skin. It’s only when there are excess sebum and dead skin cells that you risk clogged pores.


Considering papules represent the phase beyond whiteheads when the presence of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells under the skin have caused inflammation, you should know papules by their redness and swelling—not to mention, the absence of pus. Relatively speaking, they’re small to medium in size. Since inflammation and irritation are the symptoms of a papule, it’s best not to apply anything that will dry it out further. The goal is to soothe and calm the area until the medication helps subside it.


Pustules are small bumps on the skin that contain fluid or pus. They usually present as white bumps surrounded by red skin. These bumps look very similar to pimples, but they can grow quite big. Pustules may develop on any part of the body, but they most commonly form on the back, chest, and face. They may be found in clusters in the same area of the body.

Severe Acne: Nodules, Cysts, and Acne conglobata

If you’ve got a face full of large, red, inflamed blemishes that seem to last for months, chances are you’ve got one type of severe acne: nodules, cysts, or acne conglobata. These are indicative of a deeper condition than your average acne type and can cause more severe and permanent damage to your skin if left untreated.

If topical, over-the-counter treatments aren’t clearing these types of blemishes after a few weeks, it’s time to see a dermatologist for stronger, prescription-strength medicine.

Who Gets Acne?

Acne is the most common skin disease. People of all races and ages get acne. But it is most common in teenagers and young adults. An estimated 80 percent of all people between the ages of 11 and 30 have acne outbreaks at some point. Some people in their forties and fifties still get acne.

The Causes of Acne


Food allergies are the number one cause of acne, and the worse the acne the more likely food allergies are involved. Eating a food to which the body is allergic leads to a continuous toxic reaction. In such a case the immune system fights the food as if it were an invading organism. This can cause inflammation in the skin (and many other conditions), as well as the need to eliminate the toxin. 

Studies indicate that certain dietary factors, including dairy products and carbohydrate-rich foods — such as bread, bagels and chips — may trigger acne. Chocolate has long been suspected of making acne worse.


Elementary school class standing outside

The most common acne type develops during adolescence due to puberty. When a child reaches puberty, the brain will release a hormone called GnRH, which travels down to the pituitary gland and signals the release of two additional hormones, LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The onset of these hormones sends a signal to the skin glands to produce more sebum, which leads to acne pimples.


Hereditary factors can have a significant effect on the skin. If your parents have struggled with acne, you are genetically predisposed to do the same. Acne Einstein examined various studies about the effects of genetics on this common skin condition and found concrete evidence linking heredity and acne.

Environmental Factors

The environment you live in can affect your skin. If you live in an air that’s heavily saturated with pollution, you may find your skin is clogged more easily, resulting in more frequent acne flares.

Exposure to oil and grease in the workplace or at home can also have an effect on your acne. If you live in humid conditions, maintain a job which requires physical labor that causes excess sweating, or is extremely physically active, you might find your skin is affected.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can exacerbate or trigger acne flare-ups. For example, women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can experience breakouts.

About 5 to 10 percent of women have PCOS, and if you’ve noticed excessive hair growth, irregular periods, and weight gain, along with noticeable acne breakouts, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor.

Certain Medications

Your medicine cabinet could be having a huge effect on your skin. Certain medications contain steroids; these are commonly labeled with prednisone if it’s an ingestible medication or labeled as cortisone or hydrocortisone if topical. Overuse of steroid medications results in higher levels of androgens, which can secrete more sebum and result in what’s known as “steroid acne”. Always check to see if acne is listed under adverse effects on any new medication.

Contraceptives can also become a culprit of increased acne conditions. Anytime there’s a change in hormone levels within the body, this fluctuation can result in breakouts, and as contraceptives adjust hormones, it’s apt to affect your skin.

Natural Home Remedies for Acne

Apple cider vinegar contains malic and lactic acids that can exfoliate, reduce red marks, and treat acne. For a DIY toner, mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply to skin with a cotton ball, making sure to shake well before each use.

Green tea, has antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds that can help fight acne. To get its effects, use a cooled cup of green tea as a face wash or lay the bag over the affected area.

Honey’s, antibiotic properties can help improve acne. Apply a teaspoon of honey to affected areas, or make a mask by mixing 1/2 cup of honey with 1 cup of plain oatmeal and leaving it on for 30 minutes.

Mint, can help remove pore-clogging oil. To help clear acne before it begins, mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons each of plain yogurt and oatmeal (use a blender to pulverize the oatmeal to powder). Leave the concoction on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off with water.

Echinacea is traditionally used to speed wound healing and prevent colds and flu, but its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can help with acne as well. Use echinacea tea as a daily face wash by soaking a cloth with it, or put a few drops of tincture on a cotton ball and dab it on blemishes.

Aloe, known for its burn-relieving properties, can promote healing, fight infection, and even reduce scarring. Scrape the gel from an aloe plant out with a spoon, and apply to acne. You can also buy aloe gel from health-food stores—just make sure it’s pure aloe, with no added ingredients.

Papaya. if you are familiar with high-end skin care products, you probably already know that papaya is a very common ingredient in acne treatments. However, you can get the same benefits without spending the cash! All you have to do is mash up the flesh of the papaya to form a paste or a lotion consistency and apply directly to the skin. You can leave it on for up to 30 minutes, then rinse and moisturize.

Coconut Oil is antibacterial and antifungal. Coconut oil is also extremely moisturizing and gentle. It helps fight the bacteria and reduce redness. Apply the coconut oil to your skin and massage it in. You can reapply a couple of times per day. With coconut oil, there is no need to ever use a moisturizer again, it works so well and doesn’t clog your pores. For optimal benefit, use organic coconut oil that is unrefined.

Egg Whites, for this, they make a great natural remedy for acne when used as a facial mask! Egg whites reduce the oil and minimize your pores in addition to drawing out impurities. To use it, separate the egg white from the yolk, use a cotton ball or you can use your fingers to apply the egg white to your skin. After a few minutes, you’ll start to feel it tighten, you can leave it on anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. Afterward, your skin will have an amazing glow!

Examples of some over-the-counter products used to treat acne include:

  • Benzoyl peroxide (such as Brevoxyl or Triaz), which unplugs pores.
  • Alpha hydroxy acid, which dries up blemishes and causes the top skin layer to peel. You’ll find alpha hydroxy acid in some moisturizers, cleansers, eye creams, and sunscreens.
  • Salicylic acid (such as Propa pH or Stridex), which dries up blemishes and causes the top skin layer to peel.
  • Tea tree oil, which kills bacteria. You’ll find tea tree oil in some gels, creams, and oils.

Common Home Remedies that Worsen Acne


I don’t know how rubbing citrus fruits on your face became a thing but they are all over the internet as a supposed treatment to red marks with the claim to exfoliate and brighten skin. The truth is, lemons can’t exfoliate properly, can cause irritation, and even cause light sensitivity. Just don’t do it.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda is basic on the pH scale and can throw off the natural pH of your skin causing it to freak out. Many like to pair this baking soda mask with an acidic toner such ACV but the damage is already done and your skin is already feeling the effects of it so not much can be helped with it.

Walnuts, scrubs, sugar, etc.

Scrubs are not a good idea for anybody, especially those with acne. Many scrubs tear at the skin causing mini lacerations that can open homes for infections or cause irritation. I would generally stay away from anything ending in the scrub.

  • The progestogen-only contraceptive pill may make acne worse.
  • In women, the hormonal changes around the monthly period may cause a flare-up of spots.
  • Thick or greasy make-up may, possibly, make acne worse. However, most make-up does not affect acne. You can use make-up to cover some mild spots. Non-comedogenic or oil-free products are most helpful for acne-prone skin types.
  • Picking and squeezing the spots may cause further inflammation and scarring.
  • Sweating heavily or humid conditions may make acne worse. For example, doing regular hot work in kitchens. The extra sweat possibly contributes to blocking pores.
  • Spots may develop under tight clothes. For example, under headbands, tight bra straps, tight collars, etc. This may be due to increased sweating and friction under tight clothing.
  • Some medicines can make acne worse. For example, phenytoin (which some people take for epilepsy) and steroid creams and ointments that are used for eczema. Do not stop a prescribed medicine if you suspect it is making your acne worse but tell your doctor. An alternative may be an option.
  • Anabolic steroids (which some bodybuilders take illegally) can make acne worse.
  • It used to be thought that diets high in sugar and milk products made acne worse but research has failed to find evidence to support this.

Emotional Consequences

Having acne does not just mean superficial or cosmetic changes to the skin—it has an emotional aspect to it as well. Since the face is one of the primary areas affected by acne, symptoms of the disease can change the appearance of those affected, and this can lead to stress and anxiety. Depending on the severity of the condition, acne can lead to a negative self-image, including:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Loss of confidence
  • Depression

These emotional consequences affect anyone who is suffering from acne—both men and women, young and old.In addition to reducing the quality of life of people with acne, the emotional aspects of the disease have been shown to reduce productivity and employability.

This impact on the quality of life is comparable to what is seen in diseases like epilepsy or asthma. There are also several myths surrounding acne, and this can cause misplaced feelings of guilt that worsen the emotional effects of the disease.

Natural Solution for Acne

With us, we get to the root of the problem, identifying and eliminating the allergen that is causing the recurring symptoms.

We offer the prospect of relief to those who suffer from addiction and allergies by reprogramming the brain to perfect health. Just like rebooting a computer, we can reboot our nervous system to overcome the adverse reactions of brain and body.

To fully understand what we do, one needs to know some Oriental medical principles. We take the acupuncture and Oriental medical theories and a technique that can eliminate the reaction from the root.

Addictions can definitely cause illness. Continuous contact with an allergen produces toxins in the body and causes blockages in the meridians. If these blockages are not cleared, reactions to the allergens often produce symptoms that mimic other diseases.

MRT (Muscle Response Testing)

By clearing food and environmental and chemical allergens from the protocol, we strengthen the immune system, eliminate the root cause of acne and in bonus it also helps improve your digestion and absorption. This allows the body to get the necessary nutrients, which are essential for life.

One allergen is cleared per visit. Each individual has a different genetic makeup and health history so the number of sessions required varies from one individual to another. For some people, allergens are cleared immediately however, for others it may take many sessions to accomplish the desired results.

Some people might raise their eyebrows and ask, “Can you really eliminate my Acne?” We answer with a resounding “YES!”

My Acne cleared after NAET

Forty-nine-year-old May was getting treated for Acne Rosacea and was showing great improvement. One day she came to the clinic with huge acne all over her body. She was reacting to red snapper she had been eating 10-12 times a week to clean her blood, as advised by some other medical expert. She was treated for red snapper and her hives cleared.

Connect with us through our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NAETDubai
or visit: www.naetdubai.com. You will find a wealth of information here along with an opportunity to speak confidentially through WhatsApp 056-639 0197 or  Phone Call  04-420 1633.

You may also email us at admin@naetdubai.com

Dr. Sarita Tom

Dr. Sarita Tom is a mother of an autistic child and her struggles led her to discover NAET therapy and other Quantum Bio Resonance techniques that led to a miraculous change in her son. Being a non verbal child until the age of 5, Keenan had all the autistic symptom. Through non invasive therapy including a gluten, lactose and sugar free diet, Keenan has recovered almost completely and is a normal child going to a regular school. Her success in eliminating Allergy, Intolerances and sensitivities in other symptoms like Eczema, Asthma, Rhinitis, IBS, Leaky Gut and other disorders, has made her one of the best non invasive (non medical) therapy that addresses many chronic clients. She can be reached on admin@naetdubai.com

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